For the Love of Sarcasm

Sarcasm is my Swiss Army Knife of choice. In some of my worst moments, it has helped me make light enough to move on. In some of my best moments, well I guess it's just helped me entertain - even if only myself. This blog is my way of sharing all of those moments and probably my sarcastic views on the situations. Sarcasm truly is a girl's best friend!

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Laughing Lion

Life with my 11 year old son, the Magical Elf, is nothing short of a roller coaster ride. Sometimes we are going up, sometimes we are going down, but there is very little just cruising along. The Magical Elf has a pretty severe case of ADHD. He's very bright, but has learning disabilities. He's very happy and social but very immature and usually inappropriate. This causes him to spend a lot of time frustrated with school work and with other kids his age who do not understand him so they make fun of him or avoid him.

There is no denying how challenging the Magical Elf is to raise.

Today as I walked back to my office today from picking up my lunch, I passed the toy store. There on the ground in front of the store was a Laughing Lion rolling around and doing just that - laughing. It reminded me of the Magical Elf.
You see I have learned that sometimes you have to treat the Maigcal Elf like the ocean. His moods are that powerful. And just like the tides, if you go with him instead of against him, you can manuever with more ease. So just like that Laughing Lion, when the Magical Elf thinks that nothing is serious and absolutely everything is funny, I just laugh along with him.

The Magical Elf inspires me to lighten up from time to time. To enjoy simple things more often. If you don't have a Magical Elf then treat yourself to a Laughing Lion. It will be good for you.

1 comment:

  1. I understand. My son has a slight case of the past it has been tough to deal with but for a while now he's been doing so well! *hugs*
    Go with it approach is about all you can do with this!
