For the Love of Sarcasm

Sarcasm is my Swiss Army Knife of choice. In some of my worst moments, it has helped me make light enough to move on. In some of my best moments, well I guess it's just helped me entertain - even if only myself. This blog is my way of sharing all of those moments and probably my sarcastic views on the situations. Sarcasm truly is a girl's best friend!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Hard is what keeps out the Riffraff

"Hard is what keeps out the Riffraff" - that is a line from a Hallmark channel type movie that was on the TV the other night as I was cleaning up the kitchen. Not something I would normally be watching, but I loved that line. It reminded me of a chat that I had with a friend a couple of months ago. I was talking with her about something that she needed to do for herself and I said something similar. Now what I said was not as polished as that, but all in the same vein.

This idea is also what had made me so proud about the decision I had made to get myself in better shape and take control over my health. I laughed at myself for how self-righteous I sounded and admitted to those I talked to that talking about it was what helped keep me in the game.

I began by speaking with  Gina who owns her own business, Concierge For Mom. I knew that I was going to need some guidance and I also knew that with a full-time career outside of my home, a husband, four kids and three dogs, time wasn't something I had much of. I believe one of the first things I told Gina is that I will be one of the most difficult people she will work with. I've never known time as a friend. I was very clear that I wanted to make life changes that I could maintain. I did not want to feel like I was on any type of diet. I also had no intention of following a meal plan. I wanted to learn to make healthy choices everyday so that I would not get to a point when I stopped and put weight back on.

I've had some success in the last eight weeks. Here are the positive things I have done.
- I start my day on my elliptical every morning for 20-30 minutes.
- I no longer drink soda or sweet tea. I drink water instead.
- I have discovered coconut water which I love & drink daily (and it helped get rid of my headache today)
- I drink protein shakes to supplement my meals. (okay, it's usually my breakfast)

I have seen some differences in my body. My afternoon headaches are pretty much gone. I feel stronger and overall better.

I could say that I fell off the wagon this weekend at the company holiday party because I ate dessert. Or because I had Mexican for dinner last night. But what I think is worse is that I haven't worked in the time for my workouts. I feel really crappy about it. Gina checks in on me often and responds when I ask her about food choices. She's even created 10 minute workouts I can do. I have to make the decision to make time for the next step. My workouts. It's not happening and I'm disappointed. Gina checked on me today and this blog post is my answer. I know I'll hear back from her. She's very dedicated to making sure I succeed. I was too when I started. I lost some momentum. It's a hard pill for me to swallow because I know I'm not doing it because it's hard. Hard to have the energy. Hard to make the time. I remember my friend saying all the same things and I told her that she had to make up her mind to do it.

Life only moves in one direction and I need to get moving with it.


  1. I like that quote too. I don't know's hard to make the time and it's hard to get that momentum back. I know I need to with the jogging again. I am just so tired right now.

  2. You can do it, Ginger! Don't beat yourself up if you miss a workout - just pick it up again the next day. By the way, I know we've only met once, but I think you already look fabulous!
