Yesterday I spent my day at Quadruplicity, the Charlottesville Chamber's annual Business Women's conference. The conference is all about finding your own balance in your life, your career, your finances and health. I began this post last night and titled it. I didn't get very far because my son needed assistance with his homework and honestly my cold had gotten the best of me by late night. This morning I received an email from someone who I consider to be a good friend that was one of my guests at the conference yesterday. In it she included her take aways which I will quote. "Eat often, eat less, sleep more, walk more, a little stress good, a lot of stress bad and finally a minute is absolutely sufficient to sum up my life's work"
All of that seems pretty simple and like good common sense. But it's not what I do and I know it's not what she does. In fact, I can tell you that at least 3 of the other women at my table who I happen to be friends with do not do those things appropriately. I am really going to work to use my common sense to apply these things to my own life more often. It will be hard. I have been trying to do just that for the last 3 months. Sometimes successfully and sometimes not.
As for summing up her life's work in a minute, I will not disputed that any of us can provide another with a general description of what our "job" is on the surface. Enough so that they will have an understanding of it. But I believe the real measure is not in the time spent describing the role but in the infinite value you derive from the impact you make on one life or many lives. You see, my friend who sent me that email has saved countless lives in her work. And those lives have gone on to provide emotional support for their loved ones in times of joy and sorrow. The impact is exponential. And I truly appreciate the countless hours and dedication she puts in to it.
I could give you similar examples for all of the women at my table. So I encourage all of you to take a moment to remind yourself of the value of your own work. Whether it is in your career, your volunteer efforts or your family. Your impact is infinite. Be proud.